Some things are in the mix at the Rardon home!
…all because of a little hole in a frozen pipe. Ugh. One evening (while at a dance recital with a friend) I got a text from Phil, “Just so you’re not surprised when you get home, we have a little water in the basement”. Oh boy. It ended up being a little more than a little. You could splash in our carpet. Yep, splash.
But, let’s look on the bright side. The culprit was definitely a frozen pipe, so the insurance company is helping us out with repairs. We get new carpet. We have beautifully new textured ceilings. Our furniture hadn’t been delivered yet (it was literally scheduled to deliver the week after the water leak) – so that didn’t get damaged.
The flooring has to be replaced in our basement bathroom as well, so we’re planning a few other updates while we have the floor torn up. My mind seems to be on full throttle, and my Pinterest clicks have definitely increased in the last week. I’ve finally taken the time to put together a design board for our bathroom. I’m sure my husband will appreciate having a visual – rather than me randomly spewing ideas at him while he’s trying to watch a pre-season NFL game or while we’re doing the dishes.

Queen Bee Tieback // Kraus Sink // Swirled Geode Knob // Bee Colony Wallpaper // Yellow&Grey Fabric //
Ah. Isn’t she gorgeous? Marble. Charcoal. Hexagons. White. Some fun, quirky moments. Gold, with touches of the perfect shade of green.
I can’t wait to see it all come together!
In other Rardon home news: there is no longer a 12″ tall line of drywall cut out at the base of our basement walls! Hooray!

Some painting has already been done – with a second session to occur this weekend! I’m off to Menards with my brother this afternoon to pick up an air compressor, to function the nailer we’re borrowing to DIY the base trim! I truly feel like a weekend warrior! Argh!