This week’s Fab Find Friday is inspired by a display that I recently put together. If you follow Rardon Design on Facebook, you may have already seen the album of pictures. If you haven’t, you can see all of the pictures here.
On a “routine” visit to one of the local thrift shops I found these beauties:

They fit all of my thrift hunting criteria: -unique, in great shape, clean, & totally gorgeous!
I just happened to be in the initial phases of designing this display, so these vintage glass decanters completely became my inspiration pieces. You can see how they influenced the colors throughout the display.

So, this Fab Find Friday I share my fabulous find with you, and encourage you to go on the hunt for a fabulous find for your home!

You know how there are some stores that you go to, and you just know you’re going to find something wonderful?! Well, thrift store shopping isn’t exactly like that. 🙂 It takes perseverance and patience. I’ve seen a lot of not-so-great things to run across a few fabulous finds here and there!

Don’t have time to peruse stores on a regular basis?! I’m your girl! I’d love to see your room to see what wonderful things we could find to bring everything together. Or let me know what you’re looking for, and I’ll keep an eye out for you!

I’m such a sucker for the “collected” look – what better way than shopping antique and thrift stores! -Rachel